Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Griffin's future...

This is Griffin's "work". He finds everything he can and puts it in a big pile. And I mean everything-toys, clothes, dirty clothes, trash, dishes, you name it. Then, he stands back and won't let anyone touch it, just kinda admires it. I really hope there is a little budding architect in there, who just wants to create and build, and not the beginnings of a future hoarder. Eeeks. See mom, this is why I don't post very often. I'm in a forever state of picking up. A few days ago, he climbed on a chair and used his light saber to knock down the puzzles that were on the top shelf of his closet. Mixed them ALL together. Fun.


Rebecca said...

Love his face expression!!! Yes...he looks serious about not touching anything! haha

Unknown said...

I can totally relate to being in a constant state of picking toys up. Griff sure looks serious about his stuff!

Elizabeth said...

He has a bighter future than Ella who will grow up to be a horder (not sure how you spell that). At least he looks good while he does it.

plain jane said...

OR maybe, Griffin and Ella will work together to create amazing pieces of architecture and portable handbags to put things in.

Barb said...

It's just stuff! Just let it stay around & see what he does with it. He is so adorable!!!

Maggie and Heath said...

Mom, it's just stuff?? Why did you not posses this attitude when we were younger?? I think it's cute, my bet is he will be a builder like his grandpa mike :)